NL/DK samarbejde
Teatret Beagle samarbejder med Hollandske Actic ved "absurdist" og skuespiller; Jelle de Bruijn -blandt andet ved at være en del Actic`s forestillinger.
Det er muligt at præsentere Actic`s forestillinger i samarbejde med Teatret Beagle.
Når forestillingerne spiller i DK ansøger Teatret Beagle om refusion af internationalt gæstespil.
Ring til 2029-9677 og hør nærmere om at få forestillingerne til din by eller festival.
Actic står for salg og markedsføring af Teatret Beagles forestillinger i Europa.
De hollandske gæstespil har spillet i DK i Aarhus Festuge, ved Næstved Teaterfestival, Spotlight festivalen i Vejle, Skive & Omegns teaterkreds, Nørrebro bibliotek, Internationale Børnekulturdage i Billund mfl.
"Actic`s" gadeteater forestillinger har spillet på mange festivaler i europa. Bla. på “Oerol -sense of place” og Spoffin NL.
Vi spillede i 2017 på Wawes med "Urban Safari" & "Kiddy Ride Police Patrol"
Actic`s forestilling "Kiddy Ride Police Patrol"
Kiddy Ride Police Patrol
These two members of the mounted police, sat atop their impressive motorcycles, will keep an eye on everything and everybody. Law enforcement and safety in public spaces is their primary goal. Walk too fast? You'll be caught on police camera and pulled over. And you better believe that no amount of excuses or begging will get you out of that ticket. Members of the public will be controlled, inspected or tested with a very special Breathalyzer. Cyclists will be given a unique motorcade when they least expect it. Random roadblocks will be set up, to catch people in the act of whatever it is they were doing.Theatrical police-interventions with a high entertainment level.
Urban Safari
To rangere tager publikum med på en usædvanlig morsom tur i menneskets naturlige omgivelser. Med kikkerter og kyndig vejledning skal vi se og høre om hanner, hunner, kropssprog, vaner og forsigtigt fodre en eller flere. En vandrende forestilling, som kan spille stort set alle steder udendørs.
Har spillet på de fleste store europæiske gadeteaterfestivaler.
De Stille Fanfare
Fully decorated in costumes complete with ‘instruments’, the Silent Brass Band marches by without playing a note. Beyond the rhythm of the footsteps of the band members, there isn’t a sound. At the head of the parade is the Major-General who as maitre-tambour leads the company with a steady step. Where is the band going? Will they ever make music? And will the Major – General make an speech that is impossible to follow … or will the band simply disappear again as quietly as they came…anything is possible.