The Little Red Riding Hood - a street theater tale

Performs in- and outdoor. In a stationary or a mobile street version!

The Wolf has eaten granny and is now hunting little Red in an electric driven bed.
But who eats who, what and why, in the climate fight. A tale about greed, temptation and lust for life. Little Red and the Wolf is inspired by the contemporary value-clash of capitalism and climate-activism, consumerism and sustainability - as a fun and caring message of replacing greedy habits with a lust for life. A comical critique of society told in a strong physical and musical language.

A good review in Teateravisen
... there is speed across the field in a refreshingly bearded and quite sharp version of the old adventure... which has had a proper turn in the twisting machine.







Video teaser the stationary version:

Video teaser for the mobile version - “a driving streetact”:


CO produktion med Bora Bora.

Performance and workshops links to the UN's 12 Sustainable Development Goals; Responsible consumption and production.

The April festival and we had a visit from TV2 öst - who made a good feature/report and we also got a wonderful response from the 0-2 classes at Absalonskolen, who experienced shudder and laughter and gave, among other things, these comments; "I think it was good and a bit strange", "it's about the climate", "very exciting and fun"

"Teatret Beagle has a brand new play for the April Festival - a new interpretation of Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, which also wags its tail at the meat-eating habits of the Danes." Katja Højbjerg - TV2 ØST

We have played at the April Festival, Horsens Theater Festival, Street Cut -Næstved international street theater festival, Hjordkær School, Egå Gymnasium, at Kolding City/Kolding Municipality, Vigerslev Library, Charlotte Kvarteret - Kvarteret i Byen, Hedensted Library, Tørring Library, Lollands Municipality/Maribo etc. .etc

Actors: Liv Pflug/Ana Luiza Ulsig/Marika Rocca and Bjørn W. Olesen
Staging: Jacob Galtung-Melchior and the team.

Consultants: Katrine Faber and Jacob Galtung-Melchior
Sound design: Frederik Neumann
Video design on short teaser: Liv Højgaard. Video design on long teaser: Frederik Neumann and the team.

Supported by: Aarhus Municipality's Cultural Development Fund,
Syddjurs Municipality - Kulturpool and
BUPL's Solidarity and culture pool.

Salg & Info

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Ring eller skriv for mere info om forestillinger og workshops.
m: +45 2029 9677

Teatret Beagle turnerer med professionelt fysisk teater i et komisk og stærkt visuelt scenesprog - for både børn, unge og voksne.

Vi spiller udendørs og indendørs: hos fx; cityforeninger, i byens rum/gågader/havne, teater- og kulturfestivaler, konferencer, storcentre mv.

Teatret Beagle er støttet af Statens Kunstfond via refusionsordningen, Syddjurs Kommune, Aarhus Kommune, Augustinus Fonden, C.A.C Fonden m.fl.

Teatrets navn er en hyldest til; Charles Darwin og skibet HMS Beagle, med hvilket Darwin gæstede Galapagosøerne og udviklede sine tanker om evolution, og til; hunderacen Beagle og hundes utrolige sans for bevægelseskomik…

Teatret Beagle - dans & fysisk teater | Godsbanen | Skovgaardsgade 3, 8000 Aarhus C | mobil: +45 2029 9677